Tuesday, May 17, 2011

just grill it

Of course, I didn't get my errands done on my days off so today ended up being busier than I'd hoped. My poor room is neglected. Got up early today and had a bowl of low fat, plain yogurt with 1/2 an organic pink lady apple, a few strawberries, and agave. Had a slice of toasted Seedy Whole Grain Bread with flax PB and  agave on the side. Then, against all instinct I decided to go to a "FIT: Funtional Integrated Training" instead of my normal spin class. It was not as hard as some strength training classes I'd done in the past, but it was a good start to the strength training I so desperately need. I really wanted to run after, but told my self to respect my sore back and take off from the cardio today.

Post-workout it was errands which included buying herbs to plant an herb garden... more on that once I get a chance to actually plant. I also was at Target which of course meant I had to buy something... I ended up with two bikinis. Between that and the strength training class I was reminded to kick it into gear as beach time approaches.

Had plenty more cooking to do today and lunched to pack. First, I marinated sliced zucchini, eggplant, and tofu in lots of balsamic vinegar, a little bit of EVOO, crushed garlic, S+P, and TJ 21 Seasoning Salute. Only had 45 minutes or so to let them soak- would have liked more- and then it was off to the grill...
The plan for the grilled deliciousness is salad this week.

I originally put the tofu on some tin foil for fear it wouldn't stand up to the grill...

... but it did! First time making tofu and it was actually pretty good. I likes the carmel-y, grilled crust. The seasoning overall was a bit bland, but longer marinating time would fix that.

I cooked up some dried chickpeas last night to have on my salads this week as well...

I also packed three bathing suit-certified lunches. They included:
- Vegeterian Bolognese w/ baby spinach on top (recipe to come tomorrow!)
- Grown Up Ants on a Log
- Organic apple
- Oikos plain greek yogurt w/ walnuts, mango, and strawberries
- Cucumber slices with Minted Green Pea Hummus
- No Diet Coke! We ran out and I didn't realize. :(

Grown Up Ants on a Log:
Almond butter, agave, and dried cranberries

After a quick nap, it was dinner time. The salad:
  •  organic baby spinach
  • 1/4 cup leftover cooked brown rice
  • 1 oz TJ light feta cheese
  • chickpeas
  • grilled tofu, zucchini, and eggplant
  • chopped, fresh orange peppers
  • Tahini Dressing (1 tsp tahini, lemon juice, H2O)

On my way out the door, I made a latte in my Tassimo w/ 1 tsp organic turbinado sugar. OK I also had a teeny cone of Coconut Sorbet too... I couldn't resist.

Hoping my abs and arms are sore tomorrow, but  I don't think they will be. Unfortunately, F.I.T. was very legs heavy- its my arms and abs that need the most help!!!

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